Atkins vs Jenny Craig vs Nutrisystem vs Weight Watchers Who Wins

OK, I’ve researched (and tried) many different diet plans. Here’s the problem (at least for me) with some of the more popular plans: Atkins To completely eliminate a specific food type can’t be healthy long term. (This is my opinion I’m not a doctor).  This works well to really drop pounds quickly (I won a “Biggest Loser” contest at work), but the minute I start eating “normally” again, I start packing on the pounds. So not only does the President of the company get to keep calling me “Loser” for losing the weight but I really felt like a loser each … Continue reading

Write It All Down

Where do I start? Working on my weight is kind of a new experience for me. I thought the best way to start to work on fixing this problem is to treat it like any other problem. For the past 15 years I’ve been in the wonderful world of accounting and finance (yes, you were correct reading the sarcasm in that statement), so I think the easiest way for me to approach my problem of being overweight is to compare it to a common problem people face each in the world of personal finance (don’t doze off there’s a point … Continue reading

Why I’m doing this…

and so it begins… Today I stepped on the scale for the first time in months. 203 pounds, YIKES !!! Lately, I’ve been feeling a little out of shape (Read: crappy) to say the least and knew it was time to take action. I approached the scale with a feeling of trepidation that kid normally feels  on their first day of school. On one hand I know I’m NOT going to like what I see, I’ll probably get depressed that I’ve let myself go so bad. One the other hand I feel a bit of excitement that I’m finally going … Continue reading