Atkins vs Jenny Craig vs Nutrisystem vs Weight Watchers Who Wins

OK, I’ve researched (and tried) many different diet plans.

Here’s the problem (at least for me) with some of the more popular plans:


To completely eliminate a specific food type can’t be healthy long term. (This is my opinion I’m not a doctor).  This works well to really drop pounds quickly (I won a “Biggest Loser” contest at work), but the minute I start eating “normally” again, I start packing on the pounds.

So not only does the President of the company get to keep calling me “Loser” for losing the weight but I really felt like a loser each pound I gain.

Jenny Craig / Nutrisystem

I will admit that I never actually tried these “Buy our food” types of diets.

Two things I know will happen if I did do this type of plan.

First, I’ve seen the prepackaged lunches (a women I work with tried one of these plans). They aren’t very big; and she said they didn’t really satisfy her. The other problem was she would be eating dinner with her husband and he would have a nice dinner and she would look down at her meal and just knew it wouldn’t cut it.

The second problem is similar to the Atkins problem as soon as you go off the plan you start gaining weight again. (Think Kirstie Alley).

All of these plans didn’t change the fundamental problem that most people have. They don’t change their eating habits. Well, not really.

So what I am doing, what’s my game plan?

Two words… Weight Watchers.

Here’s the thing. I think the only way to permanently lose weight (and ultimately get healthy) is to change the way you think about food and exercise.

Weight watchers isn’t a fast crash-course type of diet, it’s slow and methodical weight loss. You’re forced to consciously think about everything you eat. So over time, like say a year or even two, while you’re working on obtaining your ideal weight you constantly train yourself to make healthier choices.

You end up forming the habit of eating healthier and exercising more.

So here we go my first weigh-in.

201.2 lbs. OUCH !!

Check back regularly to see my progress.

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