Why I’m doing this…

and so it begins…

Today I stepped on the scale for the first time in months.

203 pounds, YIKES !!!

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little out of shape (Read: crappy) to say the least and knew it was time to take action.

I approached the scale with a feeling of trepidation that kid normally feels  on their first day of school. On one hand I know I’m NOT going to like what I see, I’ll probably get depressed that I’ve let myself go so bad. One the other hand I feel a bit of excitement that I’m finally going to do something (take action) and fix this problem.

I think I’ll die an early death if I don’t act, right now!

I don’t feel right. My body is definitely telling me something.

So that’s my thinking, and my motivation for why I decided to put my journey to get healthy on the world wide web, because the best way to make sure you keep your word to yourself is to tell someone, so by putting this site on the web I’m basically telling the entire planet!

Before turning 30 I never had any problems with weight, so this is new to me. I used to be able to eat anything I wanted (literally) and never gained an ounce. Now it seems if I even walk past a bakery I gain a few pounds. For someone who never had a weight problem it’s a little disturbing.


Well probably trading my walking shoes and bicycle for a car, working in an office (rather than being on my feet all day), metabolism (we’ll put this theory to the test). I’m sure that the routine I’ve found myself in lately also has something to do with it. It seems like I get up, drink a cup of coffee, take shower, go to work. Ten-twelve hours later a return home, eat dinner, work from home (usually my own work, writing, website design…etc) or just watching some T.V.

Unfortunately, this lifestyle leads to a lot of eating and not as much moving.

Exercise is going to be key to my success.

The sad part about it is that the weight gain happened slowly, so I didn’t even realize it before I looked at a picture of myself from the holidays and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t even recognize myself.

It’s funny, the mental picture you have of yourself is probably what’s been ingrained into your brain throughout your whole life. So my mental image is basically someone who is thin, able to do 60+ sit-ups in a minute, 10-12 pull-ups, but in reality I’m an out of shape bastard who would struggle on the first pull-up.

I wonder if the opposite is true? If you were overweight your whole life and then lose a ton of weight in your 30?s and get in really good shape, do you always “see” that overweight person in your mind’s eye? I’m curious.

So what’s my plan?

Over the next year or so I will write about my daily activities that I perform on my journey to get healthy. I will journalize the following:

  • What I’m eating
  • Document good recipes I come across
  • Exercise routines
  • My (hopeful) loss of pounds
  • The way I’m feeling (like right now I feel like crap)

So thanks for being a part of my journey. I really look forward to documenting my progress. I’d absolutely love to hear your stories, your suggestions and I welcome any advice you can offer.

So, without further ado…

I accept this mission:

Operation: Get Healthy | Target: 145lbs | Goal: Lose 58 Lbs
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